Thursday, March 25, 2010

Rainy Day 'Me' Time


[Click image above to go to full sized image.]

My tutorials presume that you have a working knowledge of Paint Shop Pro. This is just a guideline, and I know not everyone is going to be using the same tubes... so use your imagination as you go! Any similarities between this tut and any others you may see are purely coincidental.

This tutorial was written on March 25, 2010 using Paint Shop Pro, version X.03. It should be okay to do with other versions as well. I just find X.03 more comfortable for me. You may download a free trial of Paint Shop Pro, version X2, from Corel.

You will also need:

Animation Shop. This is now a pay-for product, through Corel. That changed a while ago. I don't know why!!

A tube of your choice. Obviously, a bathing-type tube would work best. Also, if you're stumped for ideas and using the exact things I'm using, a sitting, bathing tube would be best. I'm using the art of Rion Vernon, of Pinuptoons. You must have a license to use his artwork. You can get that license through C.I.L.M.

The scrap kit is by Jen, of Jen's Sweet Temptations. This is a FTU kit, called Rainy Day Driz.

[PLEASE NOTE: This tut came down more to the bath components than it did the scrap kit. I only used one paper from the kit, so it wouldn't be mandatory to get the kit if you didn't want to.]

If you choose to use that kit, be sure to leave Jen some love for the freebie!!

Supplies: Oh, boy. There's a bunch of stuff here. First, to my file of the supplies. Now, for most of the bath components, you'll go to this forum page. There are three sets, I think it is, of bath graphics on this page. The ones I used and to which I will be referring was the third file down. It's vague as to whom to credit for these graphics. The post was made by someone known as "Biggi." I just Googled for bath PSP tubes, and this is what I found. I did *not* have to join to get these files, so I don't think you will, either. They're available as .psd files or .psp files.

As for the contents of my .rar file: There is a bath brush and window. There is also a rain animation. The rain is obviously made by someone named Laura, but which Laura in the world, I don't know, unfortunately. If this is yours... let me know!! PLEASE!! So I may give you proper credit! I don't know the origins of the bath brush nor the window. Also included in the file are two masks. One I've used often, and I don't know from where I got it, either. Finally, the last mask was created by Chelle, or Wee Scots Lass. Thank you for sharing, Chelle! I appreciate your contributions to this community!!


Filters: No outside filters used in this tutorial.

Font: I used Impact.

Okay, let me start off by telling (warning) you that this is a very "fiddly" tutorial. Lots of steps. So not much of the scrap kit -- just one sheet of paper -- but lots of parts, and most of the screen shots, of which there are many, are of the fiddling once we get to Animation Shop. I *am* including a *lot* of screen shots for that. I hope I can translate the steps and screen shots into something coherent!! Prior to Animation Shop, there will be "fiddly" stuff with the masks, as well. Tagger beware!! LOL! And thanks for trying it!!

Open your supplies provided and minimize. You could also file it all in the PSP files on your computer for use at a later date. (Just a suggestion: I created a file called "Bath Supplies" in with all my other tubes and things.) Open the rain animation and put where it will be handy once you get to Animation Shop.

Open a new canvas, 800 x 700, white.

The beginning of this tutorial is just choosing which bath elements you want to use and placing them where you'd like them. To tell you the honest truth, I took my lead from the preview shot of the bathroom elements where they were offered for download. If you compare the two, it's very evident. So this is not all from my head! The ambiguous "Biggi," who offered the bath elements for download, actually put this together.

I will be referring to the elements I used. You may have downloaded the first or second files of elements, whereas I am using the third file. This is all up to you!!

From the bath elements file, open 0027. Choose the "Ebene4" layer. Copy and paste as a new layer. Resize 35%. Position where you think you might want it. Use my example (or Biggi's lol) for placement reference. Drop shadow. It would be a good idea for you to label this layer in some way that it will be easy for you to reference as we get further on in this tutorial. There were three layers that I labeled in this way. I just used A, B and C, and this is how I will be referring to them when we get to that spot.

Open 0031. Choose either the "Ebene10" or "Ebene11" (the tree) layer, based upon the coloration of your tag. Copy and paste as a new layer. Resize 30%. Image > Mirror. Place over on the right of your tag, so that it's actually falling off the right side of the canvas. Again, see my example for placement reference. Drop shadow. Label this layer so that it will be easy to find later in the tutorial.

Open 0030. Choose the "Ebene (must mean layer?) 4" layer. Copy and paste as a new layer. Resize 35%. Position on the left side, opposite the tree, so that it's now falling off the left side of the canvas. This will be below center. Drop shadow. Label this layer for ease of finding later.

This would probably be a good time to add your tube. Resize, position and drop shadow to your taste.

Open 0033. Choose the towel layer that again, color-coordinates with your particular tag. Copy and paste as a new layer. Resize 29%. Position where you would like it. See my example for placement reference. Drop shadow.

Okay, we've got our basics. Now, we need to do the "nesting." LOL!! Choose which lotions and potions, etc., you'd like in your bathroom. Here's what I did:

Open the bath brush that was in your supplies file. Copy and paste as a new layer. Resize 65%. Position where you would like it. Drop shadow.

Back to the supplies downloaded from that forum. Open 0039. Pick your color choice in the tall bottles. Copy and paste as a new layer. Resize 7%. Position where you'd like it. Drop shadow.

Back to 0039. Choose your color choice in the squatty-type bottles. Copy and paste as a new layer. Resize 7%. Position where you'd like it. Drop shadow.

Re-open 0031. Pick the towel of your choice. Copy and paste as a new layer. Resize 7%. Position and drop shadow.

Highlight your white background layer.

From the scrap kit (or a color and texture of your making), open Paper 4. Resize to 800x700. Copy and paste as a new layer.

Apply the WSL_Mask83. Delete the mask layer, answer "yes" to the pop-up question and merge group.

At this point, I took my pick tool

.. and dragged the sides and top out to a place I wanted them. This is up to you.

Now, from the supplies file I gave you, open the window1 file. Edit > Copy merged. Paste as a new layer. Position where you think it looks best. If your tag's coloration is differing from mine, then use Adjust > Hue and Saturation > Colorize to get the right color tone. In your layer palette, this layer should be dragged down to just above your mask layer.

Go back to the top layer and add your name. I used color #d4fbfd as the fill, color #84bca6 as the stroke, stroke set on 4.

I added the following bevel:

Hit okay.

Drop shadow your name.

Now is the time we're going back to those layers I said earlier to label for ease of finding!!

Find your "A" layer. Apply your Edge Texture mask. Delete mask layer, answer "yes" to the pop-up question and merge group. Duplicate this layer.

Find your "B" layer. Apply your Edge Texture mask again. Delete mask layer, answer "yes" to the pop-up question and merge group. Duplicate this layer.

Find your "C" layer. Apply your Edge Texture mask one last time. Delete mask layer, answer "yes" to the pop-up question and merge group. Duplicate this layer.

Now! *chuckle*

In your materials palette, close out the fill color and change the stroke color to something dark, so you can see it. Line width is 3.

Select Preset Shape > Rectangle

Draw a square around the window frame, as is depicted below:

Convert this to a raster layer. In your layer palette, drag this below the window and above the mask.

Resize your canvas to a size with which you are comfortable.

Add your copyright, license information if applicable, and taggers'/watermark.

If you choose not to animate, you're now done, and you can merge your layers and save!


Layers > View > None.

Open the bottom three layers. This should be your white background layer, your mask layer and the preset shape you created. It should look somewhat like so:

Edit > Copy Merged.

Open Animation Shop. Right-click on the desktop area and paste as a new animation.

Duplicate this frame until you have 3 frames. Move the slider at the bottom of this animation to the first frame.

Open your rain animation file from the supplies. We're going to be doing a bunch of tweaking to this file, because it is (A) too big and (B) not dark enough to show up against your background.

Edit > Select All.

File > Export Frames > To Paint Shop Pro.

Go to PSP. We are going to adjust the brightness and contrast on all three layers. So, starting on the bottom layer, Adjust > Brightness and Contrast > Brightness/Contrast with the following settings:

Hit okay.

Highlight your middle layer, and apply the same brightness & contrast. Then your top layer. When done, click the "x" on the top right corner to close out the file. You will see the following:

Answer "no."

Now, there is another question:

Answer "yes." Your frames are now back in Animation Shop, just darker than they were in the beginning.

Animation > Resize Animation

Set this to percentage, 45%.

Hit okay.

Edit > Copy.

Back to the animation that we are building into your finished tag.

Edit > Select All. Edit > Paste > Into Selected Frame.

Hover your mouse until your rain file is centered in the square you created with your preset shape. Release your mouse button.

Now, go back to PSP.

Layers > View > All.

Close out the bottom three layers. This will be the white background, the mask and the preset shape layers.

Edit > Copy merged.

Back to Animation Shop. Right-click on the desktop area and paste as a new animation.

Duplicate this until you have three frames.

Edit > Select All. Edit > Copy.

Back to the tag we're building and Edit > Paste > Into Selected Frame.

Position your window so that it's right over the preset shape you made. Release your mouse button.

WHEW!! What a hassle, right??

View > Animation.

Save as a .gif file, and finally, we're done! I hope with all I've got that I explained this well enough! It's been a long time since I've made a tag this way. I do hope you're happy with your results. Thanks so much for trying my tut!


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Dreaming of You


[Click image above to go to full sized image.]

My tutorials presume that you have a working knowledge of Paint Shop Pro. This is just a guideline, and I know not everyone is going to be using the same tubes... so use your imagination as you go! Any similarities between this tut and any others you may see are purely coincidental.

This tutorial was written on March 24, 2010 using Paint Shop Pro, version X.03. It should be okay to do with other versions as well. I just find X.03 more comfortable for me. You may download a free trial of Paint Shop Pro, version X2, from Corel.

You will also need:

Animation Shop. This is now a pay-for product, through Corel. That changed a while ago. I don't know why!!

A tube or tubes of your choice. I'm once again using the great artwork of Elias Chatzoudis. You must have a license to use his work. You can get that license and his art through My PSP Tubes.

The scrap kit used is by Sylvie, of Fantasy Moments. This is a FTU kit, called Sounds of Sorrow. Be sure to leave your love and thanks to Sylvie for sharing her free to use artwork!!

Supplies: Two masks, which you can find here. One of the masks is by my ever-popular Essex Girl. Thank you, once again, for your contributions!! The other mask is by a person named Ivy. Now, I got this years ago from a now-defunct Yahoo! group she ran. I *have* found *an* Ivy online, but she appears to be "dealing" (for lack of a better term) in full-size, paper and digital scrapbooking, rather than tag-making. So I don't think it's the same Ivy. If anyone remembers the Ivy to which I'm referring, and knows where she's gone, please let me know!! Thank you!!

Filters: Alien Skin Xenofex 2 > Constellation

Font: I used Script-P720-Swashes.

Let us begin!

Open your masks in PSP and minimize. You could also file them in the PSP masks files on your computer for use at a later date.

Open a new canvas, 700 x 700, white.

Open Element-6. Resize 75%. Copy and paste as a new layer. This will be off-center, due to the flowers attached. Arrange on your canvas as you like it.

Open your main tube and add it as a new layer. Resize, position, and drop shadow to your taste.

Open Element-73. Resize 50%. Copy and paste as a new layer. Grab your pick tool...

... and squeeze this element in by the sides, until it appears it will "fit" within the confines of your frame.

Drag this layer down below your frame layer.

Highlight your white background layer.

Open Paper-24. Copy and paste as a new layer.

Apply your ivy mask. Delete mask layer, answer "yes" to the pop-up question, and merge group. Resize this mask layer 60%. Make sure it fits behind your frame well.

Again, highlight your white background layer.

Open Paper-12. Copy and paste as a new layer.

Apply your other mask. Delete mask layer, answer "yes" to the pop-up question, and merge group.

Open your second tube. Resize and drop shadow to your liking. Position this tube so that it fits well within the frame. In your layer palette, drag this layer down below the Element-73 layer, but above your ivy mask layer.

Highlight your frame layer.

Grab your magic wand and click inside your frame. Selections > Modify > Expand by 20. Selections > Invert.

Highlight your second tube layer. Hit delete. Selections > Select None.

In your layer palette, change your opacity properties...

... to Luminance Legacy.

Open Element-3. Resize 75%. Copy and paste as a new layer. Position so that the flowers will show in the upper right area of your canvas, peeking out behind the frame. In your layer palette, drag this layer below both mask layers. Drop shadow.

Drop shadow your frame layer.

Go back to the top layer and add your name. I used color #e3f1f9 as the fill, color #7998af as the stroke, stroke set on 1.5.

I added the following bevel:

Hit okay.

Drop shadow your name.

Resize your canvas to a size with which you are comfortable.

Add your copyright, license information if applicable, and taggers'/watermark.

If you choose not to animate, you're now done, and you can merge your layers and save!


Highlight your Element-73 layer. Duplicate this layer three times, for a total of four Element-73 layers.

Highlight your bottom Element-73 layer.

Effects > Plug-ins > Alien Skin Xenofex 2 > Constellation set as so:

.. with these numbers:

Hit okay.

Highlight your second Element-73 layer up. Apply Constellation again, this time hitting "Random Seed."

Hit okay.

Highlight your third Element-73 layer up. Apply Constellation once more, again, hitting "Random Seed."

Hit okay.

Highlight the top Element-73 layer. Apply Constellation one final time, again hitting "Random Seed."

Hit okay.

Close out the top three Element-73 layers.

Edit > Copy Merged.

Open Animation Shop, right-click on the desktop area, and paste as a new animation.

Return to PSP. Close out the bottom Element-73 layer and open the next layer up.

Edit > Copy Merged.

Back to Animation Shop.

Edit > Paste > After Current Frame.

Return again to PSP. Close out the previous Element-73 layer, and open the next layer up.

Edit > Copy Merged.

Return again to Animation Shop.

Edit > Paste > After Current Frame.

Return to PSP one last time. Close out the open Element-73 layer and open the top layer.

Edit > Copy Merged.

Back a final time to Animation Shop.

Edit > Paste > After Current Frame.

Edit > Select All.

Right-click on the top bar of your animation and choose "Frame Properties." Change this number to 23.

View > Animation.

Save as a .gif file, and we're done! I hope you like your results!! Thanks so much for trying my tut, and have a wonderful day!


Monday, March 22, 2010

Angelic Cravings


[Click image above to go to full sized image.]

My tutorials presume that you have a working knowledge of Paint Shop Pro. This is just a guideline, and I know not everyone is going to be using the same tubes... so use your imagination as you go! Any similarities between this tut and any others you may see are purely coincidental.

This tutorial was written on March 22, 2010 using Paint Shop Pro, version X.03. It should be okay to do with other versions as well. I just find X.03 more comfortable for me. You may download a free trial of Paint Shop Pro, version X2, from Corel.

You will also need:

Animation Shop. This is now a pay-for product, through Corel. That changed a while ago. I don't know why!!

A tube of your choice. I'm using the fantastic artwork of Elias Chatzoudis. You must have a license to use his work. You can get that license and artwork from My PSP Tubes.

The scrap kit used was made by Doris of Scraps Dimensions. This is a FTU kit, called Sensitive Woman. Be sure to share the love with Doris for her beautiful freebies!!

Supplies: I've included the mask and the bling file used. They can be found here. The mask is by the wonderful-yet-missing Becky, and the bling was originally made by someone named Angel, I'm thinking, because that's on the files. I don't know who this particular Angel is, so cannot correctly credit her for this bling. If you know her, or you ARE her, please let me know so that I can do so!! I took 11 frames out of the beginning of this bling file. Just saying that so that you know this isn't EXACTLY the file made by Angel.

Filters: No outside filters are used in this tutorial.

Font: I used Dahrlin.

Okay, let's get started. Oh, just a warning: There will be some manipulation of the bling when it comes to the animation part of this tutorial. Nothing earth-shattering-ly hard to do or anything.

Open your mask in PSP and minimize. You could also file it in the PSP mask files on your computer for use at a later date. Open the bling file and put where it will be handy once you get to Animation Shop.

Open a new canvas, 750 x 700, white.

Open Frame 3. Resize 75%. Copy and paste as a new layer.

Open your tube and add it as a new layer. Resize, position, and drop shadow to your taste.

Highlight your frame layer. Grab your magic wand and click inside the frame.

Highlight your tube layer. Grab your eraser brush and erase any portion(s) of your tube that you don't want showing underneath or to the sides of the frame.

Selections > Select None.

Highlight the white background layer.

Open Paper 2. Resize to 750x700 pixels. Copy and paste as a new layer.

Apply your mask. Delete mask layer, answer "yes" to the pop-up question, and merge group.

Now, you could open, resize and use any of the elements if you wanted. Here's what I did:

Open Stone Necklace. Resize 35%. Copy and paste as a new layer. Rotate 23° left. Position in the left bottom corner area of the frame. Drop shadow.

Open Rose 4. Resize 25%. Copy and paste as a new layer. Position on the right bottom corner of the frame. See my example for placement reference, if you like. Drop shadow.

Open Rose 3. Resize 25%. Copy and paste as a new layer. Rotate 17° left. Position next to the first rose. Drop shadow.

Open Bow 5. Resize 15%. Copy and paste as a new layer. Position over the roses, as if it were holding them in a bunch. Drop shadow.

Merge down the two rose layers and the bow layer. Duplicate this layer and Image > Mirror.

Open "Nature Mix." Odd label. It's the doves. :) Resize 75%. Copy and paste as a new layer. I chose to Image > Mirror mine. You may not want to -- it's up to you. Position as you'd like them. In your layer palette, this should be dragged to just above the frame layer. Drop shadow.

Drop shadow your frame layer.

Go back to the top layer and add your name. I used color #febce3 as the fill, color #643566 as the stroke, stroke set on 1.5.

I added the following bevel:

Hit okay.

Drop shadow your name.

Resize your canvas to a size with which you are comfortable.

Add your copyright, license information if applicable, and taggers'/watermark.

If you choose not to animate, you're now done, and you can merge your layers and save!


Layers > View > None.

Open the bottom two layers. This should be your white background layer and your mask layer.

Edit > Copy Merged.

Open Animation Shop. Right-click on the desktop area and paste as a new animation.

Duplicate this frame until you have 10 frames. Move the slider at the bottom of this animation to the first frame.

Open your bling file from the supplies.

Edit > Select All. Edit > Copy.

Before you do the next step, you may want to look at my example for placement reference of this bling.

Return to the animation that we are building and Edit > Paste > Into Selected Frame.

Your bling will be centered vertically. Hover your mouse and move the bling over so that the edge of the bling is on the outer left margin of the colored area of the mask layer. Release your mouse button.

Return to the bling file. Edit > Select All.

Animation > Mirror.

Edit > Copy.

Return to the animation we are building and Edit > Paste > Into Selected Frame.

Again, the bling is centered vertically. Move it so that the edge of the bling is on the outer right edge of the colored area of your mask layer, like we did last time. Release your mouse button.

Return to PSP.

Layers > View > All.

Close out the bottom two layers.

Edit > Copy Merged.

Return to Animation Shop, right-click on the desktop area and paste as a new animation.

Duplicate this layer, for a total of 10 layers.

Move the bottom slider to the first frame.

Edit > Select All. Edit > Copy.

Return to the animation we've built, with the bling file.

Edit > Select All. Edit > Paste > Into Selected Frame.

Hover your mouse until you have your new frames positioned where you like them. Release the mouse button.

View > Animation.

Save as a .gif file, and we're done! Thanks so much for trying my tut!


Friday, March 19, 2010

Turbulent Heart


[Click image above to go to full sized image.]

My tutorials presume that you have a working knowledge of Paint Shop Pro. This is just a guideline, and I know not everyone is going to be using the same tubes... so use your imagination as you go! Any similarities between this tut and any others you may see are purely coincidental.

This tutorial was written on March 19, 2010 using Paint Shop Pro, version X.03. It should be okay to do with other versions as well. I just find X.03 more comfortable for me. You may download a free trial of Paint Shop Pro, version X2, from Corel.

You will also need:

Animation Shop. This is now a pay-for product, through Corel. That changed a while ago. I don't know why!!

A tube of your choice. I am using the artwork of the fabulously talented Jennifer Janesko. You must have a license to use her work. You can get that license through C.I.L.M.

The scrap kit is by Bluey, of Bluedream Designs. This kit was done for Valentine's Day, but it still works!! It's called My Valentine. Leave her some love! She's been giving us freebies for a long time!! Show your gratitude!

Supplies: Just the mask, which you can find here. This is one of my most oft-used masks, by Becky, who is no longer "out there" in the PSP world. But I thank you, Becky, for contributing so much when you were around!!

Filters: Eye Candy 4000 > Gradient Glow, Dragonfly > Sinedots

Sinedots can be found (hopefully) here, if you don't already have it. I say "hopefully" because I got this filter YEARS ago, and it includes more than just the "sinedots" filter... So I hope this is the one!! File in with the rest of your filters.

Font: I used Brock Script.

Okay, here we go! New day, new filter! I was getting bored, and was realizing that maybe YOU were getting bored, too. So I hunted for a new effect... found one!

Open your mask in PSP and minimize. You could also file it in the PSP mask files on your computer for use at a later date.

Open a new canvas, 700 x 700, white.

Open Frame 2. Resize 80%. Copy and paste as a new layer.

Open your tube and add it as a new layer. Resize, position, and drop shadow to your taste.

Highlight your frame layer. Grab your magic wand and click inside the frame.

Highlight your tube layer. Grab your eraser brush and erase any portion(s) of your tube that you don't want showing underneath or to the sides of the frame.

Selections > Select None.

Highlight the white background layer.

Open Paper8. Resize to 700x700 pixels. Copy and paste as a new layer.

Apply your mask. Delete mask layer, answer "yes" to the pop-up question, and merge group.

Open Flower 1 & 2. Copy and paste both as new layers. Position them at the base of your frame. See my example for placement reference, if you like. Drop shadow both flowers.

Open Leaves. Resize 50%. Copy and paste as a new layer. Rotate 65° left. In your layer palette, drag this below your flower layers. Position as you like it. Duplicate this layer. Image > Mirror. Merge these two layers down. Drop shadow.

Open Feathered Fly. Resize 45%. Copy and paste as a new layer. Rotate 20° right. Position between the two flowers. Drop shadow.

Open Balloon 2. Resize 85%. Copy and paste as a new layer. Image > Mirror. Position where you'd like it. Mine is on the left side of the frame. Drop shadow.

Open Bow2. Resize 50%. Copy and paste as a new layer. Position over the balloon's string, to make it look as though the bow is holding the balloon in place. See my example for placement reference. Drop shadow.

Open Rose3. Resize 50%. Copy and paste as a new layer. Rotate 10° right. Position so that it, too, appears to be held by the bow. Drop shadow.

Open Spiral Heart2. Resize 50%. Copy and paste as a new layer. Image > Mirror. Position this one above the rose. Drop shadow.

Drop shadow your frame layer.

Go back to the top layer and add your name. I used color #510b15 as the fill AND stroke, stroke set on 1.5.

I added the following bevel:

Hit okay.

Effects > Plug-ins > Eye Candy 4000 > Gradient Glow, set at 4-5-100, color #b88695.

Drop shadow your name.

Resize your canvas to a size with which you are comfortable.

Add your copyright, license information if applicable, and taggers'/watermark.

If you choose not to animate, you're now done, and you can merge your layers and save!


Highlight your mask layer. Duplicate this layer twice, for a total of three mask layers.

Now highlight your bottom mask layer.

Effects > Plug-ins > Dragonfly > Sinedots with the following settings:

[Please Note: I first started putting this filter on the balloon. I wasn't happy with how that turned out, but I kept the screen shot. That's why it looks like that. :)]

Hit okay.

Highlight the middle mask layer.

Use Sinedots again, this time with these settings:

When I did this (my version of this filter), the setting of "turbulence" didn't stick. So it had to be reset for each layer. Just in case, wanting to say to keep an eye on that.

Hit okay.

Highlight the top mask layer.

Again, use Sinedots, with these settings:

Hit okay.

Close out your top two mask layers, leaving the bottom layer open.

Edit > Copy Merged.

Open Animation Shop. Right-click on the desktop area and paste as a new animation.

Return to PSP. Close out your bottom mask layer, and open the middle layer.

Edit > Copy merged.

Back to Animation Shop. Edit > Paste > After Current Frame.

Return again to PSP. Close out the middle mask layer, and open the top layer.

Edit > Copy merged.

Again, back to Animation Shop. Edit > Paste > After Current Frame.

Edit > Select all.

Right-click on the top bar of your animation and choose "Frame Properties." Change this number to 30.

View > Animation.

Save as .gif, et voila! Thanks so much for trying my tut! I hope y'all were able to get the filter okay. Let me know of any problems.


Thursday, March 18, 2010

That Seductive Look


[Click image above to go to full sized image.]

My tutorials presume that you have a working knowledge of Paint Shop Pro. This is just a guideline, and I know not everyone is going to be using the same tubes... so use your imagination as you go! Any similarities between this tut and any others you may see are purely coincidental.

This tutorial was written on March 18, 2010 using Paint Shop Pro, version X.03. It should be okay to do with other versions as well. I just find X.03 more comfortable for me. You may download a free trial of Paint Shop Pro, version X2, from Corel.

You will also need:

Animation Shop. This is now a pay-for product, through Corel. That changed a while ago. I don't know why!!

A tube of your choice. I chose to use the art of Dave Nestler. You must have a license to use his work. You can get that license at C.I.L.M.

The scrap kit is by Heike, of Fantasy Dreams Designz. This is a FTU kit, called Looking. Be sure to leave her some thanks for sharing her freebies with us!!

Supplies: Just the mask, which you can find here. This is one of my most oft-used masks, by Becky, who is no longer "out there" in the PSP world. But I thank you, Becky, for contributing so much when you were around!!

Filters: Eye Candy 4000 > Gradient Glow

Font: I used one called "Love." I think this is a variant on a Rob Leuschke font. Not sure, but I think it is. I have thousands of fonts!!

Okay, here we go! This is a very easy tut. The kit used had so much intricacy in each element, that there really wasn't a need for a lot of stuff!

Open your mask in PSP and minimize. You could also file it in the PSP mask files on your computer for use at a later date.

Open a new canvas, 700 x 700, white.

Open Element20. Copy and paste as a new layer.

Open your tube and add it as a new layer. Resize, position, and drop shadow to your taste.

Highlight your Element20 (frame) layer. Grab your magic wand and click inside the frame.

Highlight your tube layer. Grab your eraser brush and erase any portion(s) of your tube that you don't want showing underneath or to the sides of the frame.

Selections > Select None.

Highlight the white background layer.

Open Paper3. Copy and paste as a new layer.

Apply your mask. Delete mask layer, answer "yes" to the pop-up question, and merge group.

Open Element15. Copy and paste as a new layer. In your layer palette, this should be above your mask layer, below all else.

Return to your top layer.

Open Element30. Resize 35%. Copy and paste as a new layer. Position where you'd like it. Drop shadow.

Open Element26. Resize 75%. Copy and paste as a new layer. Position where you'd like it. Mine is in the bottom left corner of the canvas.

Effects > Plug-ins > Eye Candy 4000 > Gradient Glow set at 3-0-100, color white. Drop shadow.

Apply the same Gradient Glow to your frame layer. Drop shadow your frame layer.

Okay, now it's time for your name!!

Open Element66. Stay with this piece. Put whatever text you like... but I put the signature, and "with love" on my tags. I used white as the fill, no stroke.

For the name layer, rotate 15° left. Position in place.

For the text layer, rotate 45° right. Position in place.

I added the following bevel to both layers:

Hit okay.

Drop shadow both text layers.

It should now look something like this:

Edit > Copy merged.

Return to your main canvas and Edit > Paste as a new layer. Resize 50%. Position where you'd like it. Drop shadow.

Resize your canvas to a size with which you are comfortable.

Add your copyright, license information if applicable, and taggers'/watermark.

If you choose not to animate, you're now done, and you can merge your layers and save!


Highlight your Element15 layer. Duplicate this layer twice, for a total of three Element15 layers.

Now highlight your bottom Element15 layer.

Adjust > Add/Remove Noise > Add Noise with the following settings:

Hit okay.

Highlight the middle Element15 layer.

Add Noise again, this time changing the setting to 30.

Hit okay.

Highlight the top Element15 layer.

Add Noise once more, this time changing the setting to 35.

Hit okay.

Close out your top two Element15 layers, leaving the bottom layer open.

Edit > Copy Merged.

Open Animation Shop. Right-click on the desktop area and paste as a new animation.

Return to PSP. Close out your bottom Element15 layer, and open the middle layer.

Edit > Copy merged.

Back to Animation Shop. Edit > Paste > After Current Frame.

Return again to PSP. Close out the middle Element15 layer, and open the top layer.

Edit > Copy merged.

Again, back to Animation Shop. Edit > Paste > After Current Frame.

View > Animation.

Save as .gif and we're done! Told you it was easy!! I love black, white and red as a color scheme, so I just had to go for this one. Thanks so much for using my tut!


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Sittin' Pretty


[Click image above to go to full sized image.]

My tutorials presume that you have a working knowledge of Paint Shop Pro. This is just a guideline, and I know not everyone is going to be using the same tubes... so use your imagination as you go! Any similarities between this tut and any others you may see are purely coincidental.

This tutorial was written on March 16, 2010 using Paint Shop Pro, version X.03. It should be okay to do with other versions as well. I just find X.03 more comfortable for me. You may download a free trial of Paint Shop Pro from Corel.

You will also need:

Animation Shop. This is now a pay-for product, through Corel. That changed a while ago. I don't know why!!

A tube of your choice. I am using the artwork of Deacon Black. (His former site is no longer operating, so the folks at C.I.L.M. said to use this as a URL for his art.) You must have a license to use his work. You can get that license through C.I.L.M.

The scrap kit used is by Melanie, of SunnySideScraps. This is a FTU kit, called African Dreams. Be sure to leave some love in the form of a thank you for Melanie for her freebies offered to us!!

Supplies: The mask and the gem I used, which you can find here. The mask came from a now-closed blog, Div's This-n-That. Thanks for the masks, Divvy! The gem is by Alice Naylor. In trying to find Alice, I found this list, which definitively shows she's retired. The link to her site is no longer valid. So Alice, I thank you for all that you did while you were around! Many thanks to Ellie for letting me know from whence the mask came!!

Filters: Mura's Meister > Copies, Eye Candy 4000 > Gradient Glow, Eye Candy 4000 > Corona

Font: I used Margaret Regular.

Let's make a tag!

Open your supplies in PSP and minimize. Alternatively, you could file them with your other PSP supplies for use at a future date!

Open a new canvas, 750 x 700, white.

Open Element-72. Resize 35%. Copy and paste as a new layer. Image > Flip.

Effects > Plug-ins > Mura's Meister > Copies with the following settings:

Hit okay.

Add your tube. Resize, position and drop shadow to your taste.

Highlight your layer that you made into a frame. Grab your magic wand and click inside the frame.

Selections > Modify > Expand by 1. Selections > Invert.

Highlight your tube layer.

Grab your eraser brush and erase all the portions of your tube that you don't want showing under the frame or to the sides.

Selections > Select None.

Highlight your white background layer.

Open Paper-19. Copy and paste as a new layer.

Highlight your frame layer. Again, grab your magic wand and click inside the frame.

Selections > Modify > Expand by 20.

Highlight your Paper-19 layer. Hit delete.

Selections > Select None.

Again, highlight your white background layer.

Open Paper-27. Resize to 750x700 pixels. Copy and paste as a new layer.

Apply your mask. Delete mask layer, answer "yes" to the pop-up question, and merge group.

Give your mask layer a small drop shadow.

Open the gem provided in the supplies. Resize 35%. Copy and paste as a new layer.

Effects > Plug-ins > Mura's Meister > Copies with the following settings:

Hit okay.

In your layer palette, drag this layer to just below your tube layer.

In my particular example, the tube has areas both inside and outside the frame made earlier. In order to have these gems behind the tube but above the inside leg, I duplicated this layer. So if your tube is similar, duplicate this layer!

Drag this new layer up to just above the tube layer.

Grab your lasso tool, set on point-to-point, and draw a "random" selection around the areas you do not want showing above your tube, leaving the inside-the-frame portion of your tube uncovered by this selection. Example:

Make sure you're highlighting the upper "gem" layer and hit delete. Example:

Selections > Select None.

Sorry if your tube wasn't an inside-outside one. I just thought I should include those steps for those who might be using a similar tube.

Open Element-66. Resize 50%. Copy and paste as a new layer. Position to the left of your canvas, as though it could be hanging from one of the points on the mask. Drop shadow.

Open Element-28. Resize 25%. Copy and paste as a new layer. Rotate 60° right. Position at the top of the previous layer, as though the bow is holding it there. Drop shadow.

Open Element-34. Resize 25%. Copy and paste as a new layer. I chose to position mine in the right of the canvas, as though it might be attached to the frame we made in the beginning. Drop shadow.

Drop shadow your original frame.

Go back to the top layer and add your name. I used color #b18861 as the fill AND the stroke, stroke set at 2.

I added the following bevel:

Hit okay.

Effects > Plug-ins > Eye Candy 4000 > Gradient Glow set at 5-0-100, color #8c3f01.

Drop shadow your name. Arrange your name as you'd like it.

Resize your canvas to a size with which you are comfortable.

Add your copyright, license information if applicable, and taggers'/watermark.

If you choose not to animate, you're now done, and you can merge your layers and save!


Highlight your mask layer. Duplicate this layer twice, for a total of three mask layers.

Now highlight your bottom mask layer.

Effects > Plug-ins > Eye Candy 4000 > Corona, with this setting:

and these numbers (color #8c3f01):

Hit okay.

Highlight the middle mask layer.

Add Corona again, and click on the "Random Seed" tab.

Hit okay.

Highlight the top mask layer.

Add Corona once more, again clicking "Random Seed."

Hit okay.

Close out your top two mask layers, leaving the bottom layer open.

Edit > Copy Merged.

Open Animation Shop. Right-click on the desktop area and paste as a new animation.

Return to PSP. Close out your bottom mask layer, and open the middle layer.

Edit > Copy merged.

Back to Animation Shop. Edit > Paste > After Current Frame.

Return again to PSP. Close out the middle layer, and open the top layer.

Edit > Copy merged.

Again, back to Animation Shop. Edit > Paste > After Current Frame.

Edit > Select All.

Right-click on the top bar of your animation, choose "Frame Properties," and change this number to 25.

View > Animation. Save as a .gif file.

Another one bites the dust! I do hope you're happy with your new tag! Thank you so much for stopping by and choosing to do one of my tuts! I appreciate it!


Monday, March 15, 2010

I'm Late!


[Click image above to go to full sized image.]

My tutorials presume that you have a working knowledge of Paint Shop Pro. This is just a guideline, and I know not everyone is going to be using the same tubes... so use your imagination as you go! Any similarities between this tut and any others you may see are purely coincidental.

This tutorial was written on March 15, 2010 using Paint Shop Pro, version X.03. It should be okay to do with other versions as well. I just find X.03 more comfortable for me. You may download a free trial of Paint Shop Pro from Corel.

You will also need:

Animation Shop. This is now a pay-for product, through Corel. That changed a while ago. I don't know why!!

A tube of your choice. I'm using the wonderful artwork of Jasmine Becket-Griffith. You must have a license to use her art. You can get that license through C.I.L.M. She did a little mini-series of Alices a few years ago. I'm unsure from which packet these particular tubes came, though. There is also an Alice by Joel Adams. I'm sure there are others, but these are the ones that come to mind.

The scrap kit is by Miss Honey, of Boutique. This is a FTU kit, but available through this store. I don't understand it, but I found it and wanted to work with it right away! Hopefully, it will still be free when you get to it! The name of the kit is, easily enough, Alice in Wonderland. The place is all in French, so I'm unsure if there is a place to thank her. I wish I could!!

Supplies: No outside supplies needed for this tutorial!

Filters: Eye Candy 4000 > HSB Noise

Font: I used Nightmare Before Christmas.

My PSP crashed just as I was putting the labeling on my screen shots for this tut. So I lost the shot for the bevel -- I'm using the same bevel as I did in my previous tutorial, so I'm going to be using that screen shot. Also, I saved my finished product with frames and instructions intact prior to the crash, but that save seems to not have worked, so writing this tutorial is going to be quite a long and laborious task today. This is a full-sized kit, so EVERYTHING was resized. Please do bear with me! Thank you!!

Let's get started!

Open a new canvas, 750 x 700, white.

Open elem (2). Resize 22%. Copy and paste as a new layer.

Add your tube. Resize, position and drop shadow to your taste.

I found I didn't want to delete any of the tube that emerged from the bottom or sides of the tube I used. (Well, I *did* delete a bit of the watch fob.) If you want to tidy yours up on the bottom, then...

Highlight your frame layer. Grab your magic wand and click inside the frame.

Selections > Modify > Expand by 1. Selections > Invert.

Highlight your tube layer.

Grab your eraser brush and erase all the portions of your tube that you don't want showing under the frame or to the sides.

Selections > Select None.

Open elem (14). Resize 30%. Copy and paste as a new layer. Rotate 35° right. Position as you'd like it. I put mine to the left of the clock/frame, above center, and below the other layers in the palette. See my example for placement reference throughout this tutorial, if you wish. Drop shadow.

Open the element labeled simply "elem." This is the hot air balloon, just before your papers in the file. Resize 15%. Copy and paste as a new layer. Rotate 20° right. Position in the upper right corner of your canvas. In your layer palette, drag this below the tube layer, and above the other layers. Drop shadow.

Open elem (26). Resize 33%. Copy and paste as a new layer. Put this kinda-sorta in the bottom right quadrant of your canvas. Duplicate this layer. Image > Mirror. Merge these two layers down. Duplicate *that* layer. Image > Flip. Merge these two layers down. In your layer palette, drag this layer below all the other layers. Drop shadow.

Open elem (9). Resize 41%. Copy and paste as a new layer. Grab your pick tool, and stretch this layer out from the bottom right corner, until the ace of clubs is visible at the bottom right. In your layer palette, this should be just above all the nuts & bolts of the previous layer. Drop shadow.

Open elem (8). Resize 13%. Copy and paste as a new layer. Rotate 20° left. Position just above the hot air balloon, sorta like it's wearing the hat, ya' know? Drop shadow.

Open elem (4). Resize 17%. Copy and paste as a new layer. Rotate 135° left. Position in the bottom left area of your canvas. In your layer palette, this one can be on top. Drop shadow.

Open elem (13). Resize 15%. Copy and paste as a new layer. Position where you'd like it. I put mine just left of center, and in the layer palette, just above the umbrella. Drop shadow.

Open elem (25). Resize 20%. Copy and paste as a new layer. Position on the left, just above center, on the first element, the clock/frame. This one can be on top in the layer palette. Drop shadow.

Drop shadow your first layer, the frame.

Whew! I think I got it all right. Wasn't so bad on your end, was it? I just had to rebuild it all over again. Simple cut-n-paste, though.

Stay on the top layer and add your name. I used Paper 2 as the fill and black as the stroke, stroke set at 2.

Using Paper 2: Open Paper 2. Go to your Materials palette and choose "Pattern." Click on the pattern window and find Paper 2. Settings like so:

Hit okay.

I added the following bevel:

Hit okay.

Drop shadow your name. Arrange your name as you'd like it.

Resize your canvas to a size with which you are comfortable.

Add your copyright, license information if applicable, and taggers'/watermark.

If you choose not to animate, you're now done, and you can merge your layers and save!


Highlight your elem (26) layer. Duplicate this layer twice, for a total of three elem (26) layers.

Now highlight your bottom elem (26) layer.

Effects > Plug-ins > Eye Candy 4000 > HSB Noise using the default settings.

Hit okay.

Highlight the middle elem (26) layer.

Add HSB Noise again, and click on the "Random Seed" tab.

Hit okay.

Highlight the top elem (26) layer.

Add HSB Noise once more, again clicking "Random Seed."

Hit okay.

Close out your top two elem (26) layers, leaving the bottom layer open.

Edit > Copy Merged.

Open Animation Shop. Right-click on the desktop area and paste as a new animation.

Return to PSP. Close out your bottom elem (26) layer, and open the middle layer.

Edit > Copy merged.

Back to Animation Shop. Edit > Paste > After Current Frame.

Return again to PSP. Close out the middle layer, and open the top layer.

Edit > Copy merged.

Again, back to Animation Shop. Edit > Paste > After Current Frame.

Edit > Select All.

Right-click on the top bar of your animation, choose "Frame Properties," and change this number to 30.

View > Animation.

And, there ya' go! It really wasn't as bad as I'd thought it would be. I hope YOU liked it! Thank you so much for choosing to do one of my tuts!! I'd love a shout out if you're feeling like it!


Thursday, March 11, 2010

A Berry St. Patrick's Day


[Click image above to go to full sized image.]

This tutorial was written on March 11, 2010 using Paint Shop Pro, version X.03. It should be okay to do with other versions as well. I just find X.03 more comfortable for me. You may download a free trial of Paint Shop Pro, version X2, from Corel.

My tutorials are written for those with working knowledge of Paint Shop Pro. This is just a guideline, and I know not everyone is going to be using the same tube... so use your imagination as you go! Any similarities between this tut and any others you may see are purely coincidental.

You will also need:

Animation Shop. This is now a pay-for product, through Corel. That changed a while ago. I don't know why!!

A tube of your choice. I am using the great work of Keith Garvey. You must have a license to use his artwork. You can get that license at My PSP Tubes.

The scrap kit is by Steph, of Digital Art by Steph. This is a FTU kit called simply "St. Patrick's Day Freebie." Leave Steph some thanks and love for sharing her work with us!! Don't forget!!

Filters: VM Natural > Sparkle, Eye Candy 4000 > Gradient Glow

Font: I used AlsaceLorraine.

Supplies: Again, just the mask, which you can find here. Scroll down the page, it is the third mask down. Left click on the image. When it opens, right click, then save as. As you can see, this mask is by Monti, of Monti's Pixel Playground. Thanks, Monti, for sharing your great work with all of us!!

This tutorial came together by hit-and-miss. Some of it (which you will recognize when you get there) happened by accident, as I tried things and then sometimes forgot to delete them if I decided against them. So bear with me, please!

Open your mask and minimize in PSP. Alternatively, you could file it away with the rest of your PSP mask files, for use at a future date!

Open a new canvas, 800 x 700, white.

Open frm5. Resize 30%. Copy and paste as a new layer. I needed to move this one down a bit. It will depend upon the tube you use.

Add your tube. Resize and position to your taste.

Duplicate your tube layer. Have one tube above and one below the frame layer. Drop shadow the tube layer that is below your frame.

Highlight the top tube layer. Temporarily reduce the opacity on this layer, so you can see the shamrocks below.

[This screen capture was done for a prior tutorial. I'm just using it now to help y'all locate the opacity thingamajiggy. lol Truth is, I lowered mine to the 40s when doing this one.]

Now, this was very tricky for me. It took me a lot of time and patience, and I STILL didn't get it quite right. Perhaps it would be much easier if I'd used a different tube. What I was trying to do was to get the extended arm to appear as if it were coming from the midst of the shamrocks included with the frame.

Grab your lasso tool, set on point-to-point. Carefully -- zoom in a bunch if it will help, it did for me -- draw selections around the shamrocks that you want to be showing. Hit delete. Continue doing this until you are satisfied with the results. I would bring the opacity back up, take a look, then lower the opacity and try, try again. So, if you're using the same tube and want the same effect, it could be a laborious process.

When satisfied, return the opacity to 100°. Drop shadow your frame layer.

Highlight your white background layer.

Open ppr1. Resize to 800x700 pixels. Copy and paste as a new layer.

Apply your mask. INVERT TRANSPARENCY IS CHECKED! Delete your mask layer, answer "yes" to the pop-up question, and merge group. Resize your mask layer 105%.

Open the rowanberry. Resize 25%. Copy and paste as a new layer. Position so the berries will be coming out from behind the top right corner of your frame. Duplicate this layer and Image > Mirror. Arrange the duplicated layer so the berries will be coming from behind the upper left corner of the frame. See my example for placement reference, if you like. Merge these two layers down. Drop shadow. In your layer palette, drag this layer below your mask layer.

Open frm3. Resize 23%. Copy and paste as a new layer. In your layer palette, this should be below your bottom tube layer, above the mask layer.

Highlight your main frame (frm5) layer.

Grab your selection tool, set on rectangle, and draw a square selection around the inner portion of the frame (not inside the frame, but around the frame itself....)

Highlight your frm3 layer. Hit delete. Selections > Select None.

Yes, that was the mistake. I discovered that I liked the extra shamrocks around, so I just left the frm3 layer there and deleted the parts I didn't want!

Open bow7. Resize 20%. Copy and paste as a new layer. Position over the bottom right corner of the frame. See my example for placement reference. Drop shadow.

Go back to your top layer and add your name. I used color #d55f53 as the fill AND stroke, stroke set at 1.5.

Effects > Plugins > Eye Candy 4000 > Gradient Glow set at 5-25-100, color #285b1e.

I applied the following bevel:

Hit okay.

Add Gradient Glow once more, this time set at 3-0-100, color is white.

Drop shadow your name. Arrange your name as you'd like it. I rotated mine 30° left.

Resize your canvas to a size with which you are comfortable.

Add your copyright, license information if applicable, and taggers'/watermark.

If you choose not to animate, you're now done, and you can merge your layers and save!


Highlight your rowanberry layer. Duplicate this layer twice, for a total of three rowanberry layers.

Highlight your bottom rowanberry layer.

I suspect this next filter does not re-adjust itself back to any default settings between uses. This first setting could just be what I last used, I don't know. So I'm not sure if it's important which settings your start with first. lol.

Effects > Plug-ins > VM Natural > Sparkle with the following settings:

Hit okay.

Highlight your middle rowanberry layer.

Add Sparkle again, this time moving your "size" and "random" seed settings to something different. You can watch your choices in the preview window as you change your sliders in this filter. Just keep moving the slider settings until you like what you see.

Hit okay.

Highlight the top rowanberry layer.

Add Sparkle once more, again moving the "size" and "random seed" settings to something different.

Hit okay.

Now, with Sparkle, I always (yes, always) go back and repeat on all three layers, so I'll get more sparkle. So go back to the bottom and start all over again, applying Sparkle to all three layers and changing the settings as you go.

Close out your top two rowanberry layers, leaving the bottom rowanberry layer open.

Edit > Copy Merged.

Open Animation Shop. Right-click on the desktop area and paste as a new animation.

Return to PSP. Close out your bottom rowanberry layer, and open the middle layer.

Edit > Copy merged.

Back to Animation Shop. Edit > Paste > After Current Frame.

Return again to PSP. Close out the middle rowanberry layer, and open the top rowanberry layer.

Edit > Copy merged.

Again, back to Animation Shop. Edit > Paste > After Current Frame.

Edit > Select All.

Right click on the top bar of your animation, and choose "Frame Properties." Change this number to 35.

View > Animation.

Another tag, done in time for St. Paddy's Day! Thanks for choosing to do one of my tuts! Leave a "shout out" if you're feeling talky! Have a GREAT rest of your day!!!


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Chatzoudis Rainbow


[Click image above to go to full sized image.]

My tutorials presume that you have a working knowledge of Paint Shop Pro. This is just a guideline, and I know not everyone is going to be using the same tubes... so use your imagination as you go! Any similarities between this tut and any others you may see are purely coincidental.

This tutorial was written on March 10, 2010 using Paint Shop Pro, version X.03. It should be okay to do with other versions as well. I just find X.03 more comfortable for me. You may download a free trial of Paint Shop Pro, version X2, from Corel.

You will also need:

Animation Shop. This is now a pay-for product, through Corel. That changed a while ago. I don't know why!!

Three tubes of your choice by the same artist. I am using the work of Elias Chatzoudis. You must have a license to use his work. You can get that license from My PSP Tubes.

The scrap kit is by Vabys, of Designs by Vabys. This is a FTU kit, called Rainbow Fling. Please be sure to leave a little love for the beautiful free kit!!

Supplies: Just the mask, which can be found here. This mask is by Ali, of Designs by Ali. Thank you again, Ali, for your great contributions to the PSP community!!

Filters: Eye Candy 4000 > HSB Noise

Font: I used Cantabile.

Let's get started!

Open your mask in PSP and minimize. Alternatively, you could file it in with the rest of your PSP masks, for use at a future date!

Open a new canvas, 800 x 700, white.

Open Frame 6. Copy and paste as a new layer.

Open your three tubes. Decide which one goes in which frame. Position, resize and drop shadow to your liking.

Highlight your frame layer. Grab your magic wand and click inside all three of the frames in the cluster.

Selections > Modify > Expand by 2. Selections > Invert.

Grab your eraser brush and erase all the portions of your tubes that you don't want showing under the frame or to the sides, going layer by layer, for all three tubes.

Selections > Select None.

Since this is a cluster frame, there may be portions of a tube within a frame where you don't want it. Highlight the frame layer. Again with your magic wand, click inside the frame in question. Selections > Modify > Expand by 2. Highlight the layer that contains the "offending" tube. Hit delete. Selections > Select None.

Highlight the white background layer.

Open Paper 7. Resize to 800x700 pixels. I wanted the colors to be a *bit* more muted, so I did the following:

Adjust > Brightness and Contrast > Brightness/Contrast with the following settings:

Hit okay.

Copy and paste Paper 7 as a new layer. TWICE!

Highlight your frame layer. Grab your magic wand and click inside all three frames. Selections > Modify > Expand by 10. Selections > Invert.

Highlight your top Paper 7 layer. Hit delete. Selections > Select None.

Highlight your bottom Paper 7 layer.

Apply your mask. Delete mask layer, answer "yes" to the pop-up question, and merge group.

Open Element 5. Copy and paste as a new layer. In your layer palette, this should be just above your mask layer. Rotate 45° left. Duplicate this layer. Image > Mirror. Duplicate that layer. Image > Flip. Arrange these three layers to your liking. Merge all three layers down. Drop shadow.

Open Element 45. Copy and paste as a new layer. In your layer palette, this should be just above the layer we just created with Element 5.

Open Element 51. Copy and paste as a new layer. (This should be just above the last layer you worked with.) I wanted the colors of this element in a different position than they were just like that, so I went Image > Mirror, Image >Flip. You might not want to do that. It's up to you. Drop shadow.

Open Element 8. Resize 50%. Copy and paste as a new layer. Rotate 30° right. Position in the bottom left corner of your canvas. Drop shadow.

Go back to the top and add your name. I used Paper 7 as the fill and #fff674 as the stroke, stroke set at 3.

Using Paper 7: Open Paper 7. Go to your Materials palette and choose "Pattern." Click on the pattern window and find Paper 7. Settings like so:

I added the following bevel:

Hit okay.

Drop shadow your name. Arrange your name as you'd like it.

Resize your canvas to a size with which you are comfortable.

Add your copyright, license information if applicable, and taggers'/watermark.

If you choose not to animate, you're now done, and you can merge your layers and save!


Highlight your Element 45 (glitter) layer. Duplicate this layer twice, for a total of three glitter layers.

Now highlight your bottom glitter layer.

Effects > Plug-ins > Eye Candy 4000 > HSB Noise using the following setting:

and these numbers:

Hit okay.

[PLEASE NOTE: The settings I used on this tag create a VERY subtle animation. If you'd like more of a variation, change the numbers to whatever you like.]

Highlight the middle glitter layer.

Add HSB Noise again, and click on the "Random Seed" tab.

Hit okay.

Highlight the top glitter layer.

Add HSB Noise once more, again clicking "Random Seed."

Hit okay.

Close out your top two glitter layers, leaving the bottom layer open.

Edit > Copy Merged.

Open Animation Shop. Right-click on the desktop area and paste as a new animation.

Return to PSP. Close out your bottom glitter layer, and open the middle layer.

Edit > Copy merged.

Back to Animation Shop. Edit > Paste > After Current Frame.

Return again to PSP. Close out the middle layer, and open the top layer.

Edit > Copy merged.

Again, back to Animation Shop. Edit > Paste > After Current Frame.

Edit > Select All.

Right-click on the top bar of your animation, choose "Frame Properties," and change this number to 20.

View > Animation.

Et, voila! Another tag completed! Thank you for choosing one of my tuts! I appreciate your patronage. LOL! Have a great rest of your day!



©kajira hill 2009